Epurple84, 65
currently offlineRural Area, MD, USA
Green Party Activist Seeks Friendship and Dating
Green Party Activist Seeks Friendship and Dating 53 yo DWF with history of 2 years of Green Party volunteer work seeks comrades and people for dating. Liberal politics a plus.
About Me
Body Type
romantic comedy, indie, drama, romance, comedy
Eye Color
Hair Color
light brown
Have Kids
no - and am unable to
Education Level
Income level
that's private
Do you smoke?
no - will not date a smoker
I currently live
with pets
Socially, I am
home body
Political Views
green party
Food Related
Mediterranean, Fine Dining, Eat Out Frequently, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, French, Indian
intellectual, romantic, liberal, fun loving, activist
Religious Views
I'm looking for
My Sign
sagittarius : nov. 22-dec. 21
Choir, Alternative Rock, World, Bluegrass, Celtic, Soul, Christian Rock, Rock, Progressive Rock, Pop, Chamber, Classical, Country, Dance, Jazz-Fusion, Jazz, Indie, Gospel, Folk
Hair Style
long hair
Fitness & Sports
dancing, walking, bodybuilding, swimming
Health Related
western medicine
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My Groups(9)
184 membersA group for people who are devoted to the preservation of peace and the promotion of peaceful resolution of conflict. They prioritize the protection of peoples rights to safety and advocate for policies that promote peaceful solutions.
Race Equality
118 membersA group for people who are devoted to the advancement of racial justice and the equality of all people regardless of race. They prioritize the protection of peoples rights to equality and advocate for policies that promote racial justice.
Gender Equality
125 membersA group for people who are devoted to creating a society where all genders are treated with respect and have equal access to opportunities. They prioritize the protection of womens rights and advocate for policies that promote gender equality.
Sexual Orientation Equality
127 membersA group for people who are devoted to creating a society where all sexual orientations are treated with respect and have equal access to opportunities. They prioritize the protection of LGBTQ rights and advocate for policies that promote equality for all.
Environmental Movement
155 membersA group for people who are devoted to protecting the environment and advocating for policies that reduce human impact on the planet. They prioritize sustainable development and the preservation of natural resources.
Grassroots Organizing
47 membersA group for people who are passionate about engaging in direct action and taking collective action in order to effect social and political change. They prioritize the power of people to create change and advocate for policies that put peoples needs first.
Ecological Wisdom
114 membersA group for people who prioritize the health of the planet and strive to live in harmony with nature. They are devoted to the preservation of the natural world and strive to reduce their individual and collective impact on the environment.
Not a Green, But Interested
82 membersA group for people who are not members of the Green Party but interested in learning about the movement. Prioritizing preservation of the planet & protection of peoples rights, they are eager to engage in dialogue environmental & social justice.
263 membersA group for people who strive to be environmentally conscious and prioritize the health of the planet as a whole. They are actively engaged in reducing their individual and collective impact on the environment and working to create a sustainable future.
Recommended Green Party Sites
Green Party Information
Online Dating Sites
- Be Choosie
- Zoosk
- Gay Life Partners
- Friendfinder
- Singles Online
- Local Personals Online
- Dating Buddies
- Sweet And Casual
Webcam Sites
Personals / Chat Sites