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No new posts Environmental Movement
A group for people who are devoted to protecting the environment and advocating for policies that reduce human impact on the planet. They prioritize sustainable development and the preservation of natural resources.
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A group for people who strive to be environmentally conscious and prioritize the health of the planet as a whole. They are actively engaged in reducing their individual and collective impact on the environment and working to create a sustainable future.
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No new posts Peace
A group for people who are devoted to the preservation of peace and the promotion of peaceful resolution of conflict. They prioritize the protection of peoples rights to safety and advocate for policies that promote peaceful solutions.
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No new posts Sexual Orientation Equality
A group for people who are devoted to creating a society where all sexual orientations are treated with respect and have equal access to opportunities. They prioritize the protection of LGBTQ rights and advocate for policies that promote equality for all.
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No new posts Social Justice
A group for people who are devoted to creating a society where justice is served and all people are treated with respect and dignity. They prioritize the protection of peoples rights and advocate for policies that promote social justice.
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No new posts Corporate Anti-trust
A group for people who are dedicated to battling corporate monopolies and advocating for increased regulation on corporations. They prioritize the protection of consumers rights and the promotion of fair competition in the market.
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No new posts Left-wing
A group for people who are politically liberal and are passionate about social and economic justice, environmental protection, and the redistribution of wealth.
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No new posts Grassroots Democracy
A group for people who are devoted to the preservation of democratic principles and the promotion of direct democracy. They prioritize the protection of peoples rights to participate in their government and advocate for policies that promote democratic va
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No new posts Ecological Wisdom
A group for people who prioritize the health of the planet and strive to live in harmony with nature. They are devoted to the preservation of the natural world and strive to reduce their individual and collective impact on the environment.
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No new posts Moderately Liberal
A group for people who identify as liberal but do not necessarily align with the most progressive views. They are more apt to consider both sides of an issue and find a middle ground that is acceptable for both sides.
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No new posts Economic Justice
A group for people who prioritize the economic security of all people and advocate for economic policies that benefit the many, not the few. They are devoted to increasing access to economic opportunities and ensuring fair wages.
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No new posts Centrist
A group for people who are politically moderate and hold the belief that the best decisions are the result of compromise and the middle ground between liberal and conservative views.
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No new posts Liberal
A group for people who are politically left-of-center and prioritize social progressivism, including LGBT rights, gender equality, racial equality, and religious freedom.
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No new posts Progressive
A group for people who are passionately devoted to the advancement of social change and the equality of all people. They prioritize social and economic justice, environmental protection, and the redistribution of wealth.
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No new posts Green Party Member
A group for people who are members of the Green Party, who prioritize environmental protection and the preservation of democratic values. They strive to create a sustainable future and advocate for policies that put peoples needs first.
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No new posts Not a Green, But Interested
A group for people who are not members of the Green Party but interested in learning about the movement. Prioritizing preservation of the planet & protection of peoples rights, they are eager to engage in dialogue environmental & social justice.
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No new posts Grassroots Organizing
A group for people who are passionate about engaging in direct action and taking collective action in order to effect social and political change. They prioritize the power of people to create change and advocate for policies that put peoples needs first.
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No new posts Race Equality
A group for people who are devoted to the advancement of racial justice and the equality of all people regardless of race. They prioritize the protection of peoples rights to equality and advocate for policies that promote racial justice.
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No new posts Gender Equality
A group for people who are devoted to creating a society where all genders are treated with respect and have equal access to opportunities. They prioritize the protection of womens rights and advocate for policies that promote gender equality.
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No new posts Nonviolence Movement
A group for people who are devoted to the advocacy of nonviolence and the promotion of peaceful conflict resolution. They prioritize the protection of peoples rights to peace and advocate for policies that promote nonviolence.
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